February 3rd 2025 |
Dear Timberland Acres Residents, It has come to our attention that some community members in the vicinity of Juniper, Bull Elk, and White Mountain Road may be experiencing discolored water from their faucets. We want to provide you with an update on the situation, explain the cause of the discoloration, and assure you that the water remains safe to use. What Happened? Timberland Acres recently replaced the pump at Well Number 2 as part of routine maintenance. Upon removal, we discovered extensive corrosion buildup from the well casing at the pump intake. Given this condition, we took proactive steps to clean the well casing by brushing and bailing it to improve water quality and system performance. Following this cleaning, a video inspection revealed a hole in the casing, indicating that Well 2 is approaching the end of its operational lifespan. After reinstalling the pump, the well was thoroughly flushed for 24 hours before being placed back online last Friday. Initially, the water appeared clear, but as the well cycled on and off, some residual iron deposits were stirred up, leading to the current discoloration issue. What Is Being Done to Resolve It? Mogollon Water Management (MWM) responded promptly, taking Well 2 offline on Saturday to prevent further distribution of discolored water. Throughout the weekend, hydrants and flush-out points were flushed multiple times to clear the system. Flushing operations will continue this week to ensure water clarity and quality are restored. What Should You Do? If you are still experiencing discolored water, we recommend: Flushing your home plumbing by turning on an outdoor faucet or interior taps for a few minutes until the water clears. Checking frequently for improvements, as the flushing efforts are expected to resolve the issue soon. Rest assured, the water is safe for consumption. The discoloration is due to iron deposits from the casing, which, while visually unappealing, do not pose a health risk. Long-Term Solution Given that Well 2 is nearing the end of its service life, Timberland Acres is actively planning for the construction of a new well to ensure a reliable and high-quality water supply for the future. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to resolve this matter. Further updates will be shared through Olivia and the community website as we make progress. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Raymond Brown Timberland Acres Water System |
January 21st 2025 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – January 25th 2025 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – January 25th 2025 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TADWID & Local DWIDS Training Meeting January 24th, 10:00 A.M. (Location & Details) |
November 13th 2024 TADWID Special Notice |
Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District Subject: Notice of Unknown Service Line Material (Download/View TADWID Special Notice Here) |
Dear Customer In response to new ADEQ regulations on lead and copper, we are writing to inform you of an important matter concerning the water service lines in your area. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and quality of the drinking water supply, we have recently completed a survey of service lines within our community. Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District is focused on protecting the health of every household in our community. This notice contains important information about your drinking water. Please share this information with anyone who drinks and/or cooks using water at this property. In addition to people directly served at this property, this can include people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, businesses, as well as parents served by childcare at this property. Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District is working to identify service line materials throughout the water system and has determined that the water pipe (called a service line) that connects your property to the water main is made from unknown material but may be lead. Because your service line material is unknown, there is the potential that some or all of the service line could be made of lead or galvanized pipe that was previously connected to lead. People living in homes with a lead or galvanized pipe previously connected to a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water. ![]() Identifying service line material To help determine the material of your service line, please contact Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District. EPA has developed an online step-by-step guide to help people identify lead pipes in their homes called Protect Your Tap: A Quick Check for Lead. It is available at: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/protect-your-tap-quick-check-lead. |
Health effects of lead Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or worsen existing learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these negative health effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney, or nervous system problems. Steps you can take to reduce lead in drinking water. Below are recommended actions that you may take, separately or in combination, if you are concerned about lead in your drinking water. The list also includes where you may find more information and is not intended to be a complete list or to imply that all actions equally reduce lead in drinking water. Use filters properly. Using a filter can reduce lead in drinking water. If you use a filter, it should be certified to remove lead. Read any directions provided with the filter to learn how to properly install, maintain, and use your cartridge and when to replace it. Using the cartridge after it has expired can make it less effective at removing lead. Do not run hot water through the filter. For more information on facts and advice on home water filtration systems, see EPA’s https://www.epa.gov/water-research/consumer-tool-identifying-point-use-and-pitcher-filters-certified-reduce-lead. Clean your aerator. Regularly clean your faucet’s screen (also known as an aerator). Sediment, debris, and lead particles can collect in your aerator. If lead particles are caught in the aerator, lead can get into your water. Use cold water. Do not use hot water from the tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula as lead dissolves more easily into hot water. Boiling water does not remove lead from water. Learn what your service line material is. Contact a licensed plumber to determine if the pipe that connects your home to the water main (called a service line) is made from lead, galvanized, or other materials Learn about construction in your neighborhood. Contact us at 928-940-0042 Ext 0 to find out about any construction or maintenance work that could disturb your service line. Construction may cause more lead to be released from a lead service line or galvanized service line if present. Have your water tested. To have your water tested and to learn more about the lead levels in your drinking water, you may contact a certified laboratory to have your water tested for lead. Mohave Environmental Lab is our local laboratory and they can be reached at 928-524-4635 . Note, a water sample may not adequately capture or represent all sources of lead that may be present. For information on sources of lead that include service lines and interior plumbing, please visit https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water#getinto. Get your child tested to determine lead levels in their blood. Although there is no confirmation of having a lead service line, you may wish to speak with a healthcare provider to see if your child’s blood lead level is elevated and/or if there is a need for blood testing, if you are concerned about potential exposure. Please visit https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/advisory/acclpp/actions-blls.htm for information on these actions. For more information on reducing lead exposure from your drinking water and the health effects of lead, visit EPA’s website at http://www.epa.gov/lead. |
October 23rd 2024 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – October 26th 2024 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – October 26th 2024 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
Timberland Acres 2024/2025 District Elections |
Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District (TADWID) |
Navajo County Call of Election |
Navajo County Election Calendar |
Non-Partisan Candidate Nomination Paper |
Non-Partisan Nomination Petition |
September 5th 2024 We are pleased to announce the launch of our new billing software that includes several new features that have been requested. (The first time you use the new system you will use the “Enable Portal” button to begin the process. The system will ask for your account number and have you set a password. To accommodate the new software we had to change the account numbers slightly. Please refer to your recent bill for your new account number.) |

There is online access to your water service account where you can: |
– View your billing activity – Change your contact information – Set and change your statement delivery preference (email or snail mail) – Make a card payment credit or debit – Sign up for auto pay on a card (a request that we approve) |
July 25th 2024 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – July 27th 2024 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – July 27th 2024 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
June 23rd 2024 |
The Timberland Acres Water Improvement District Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality) for Calendar Year 2023 is now available for review – TADWID CCR 2023.pdf |
White Mountain Communities Annual Firewise Block Party |
White Mountain Communities Annual Firewise Block Party (Saturday, July 13th 10:00 am— 3:00pm) Blue Ridge Elementary School. | Flyer |
How To Prepare Your Home For Wildfires (Firewise) | Flyer |
April 30th 2024 |
April 25th 2024 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – April 27th 2024 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – April 27th 2024 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
April 11th 2024 |
Project Title: Timberland Acres DWID Automated Meter Reading(AMR) System (View Document) |
Project Title: Timberland Acres WCGF Project Management and Infrastructure Enhancement (View Document) |
Project Title: Timberland Acres DWID Drone Survey and System Mapping (View Document) |
Project Title: Timberland Acres DWID Remote Monitoring (View Document) |
Procurement Contact: Blake Anderson Title: Operator of Record Phone: (928) 940-0042 Email: blake@mogollonwater.com |
January 24th 2024 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – January 27th 2024 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – January 27th 2024 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
October 26th 2023 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – October 28th 2023 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – October 28th 2023 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
Timberland Acres 2023/2024 District Elections |
Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District (TADWID) | Timberland Acres Special Road District #1 (TASRD1) |
Navajo County Call of Election | Navajo County Call of Election |
Navajo County Election Calendar | Navajo County Election Calendar |
Non-Partisan Candidate Nomination Paper | Non-Partisan Candidate Nomination Paper |
Non-Partisan Nomination Petition | Non-Partisan Nomination Petition |
September 22nd 2023 |
***ATTENTION*** Bull Elk Run Road Work (Monday 25 Sept. thru Friday 29 Sept.) Bull Elk Residents – Minimal Traffic Restrictions Thru Traffic – Please Use Alternate Routes |
September 19th 2023 |
July 24th 2023 |
The Timberland Acres Water Improvement District Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality) for Calendar Year 2022 is now available for review – TADWID CCR 2022.pdf |
July 20th 2023 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – July 22nd 2023 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – July 22nd 2023 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
April 19th 2023 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – April 22nd 2023 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – April 22nd 2023 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
January 25th 2023 |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – January 28th 2023 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – January 28th 2023 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
October 18th 2022 |
TASRD1 Road Board Meeting – October 22nd 2022 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
TADWID Water Board Meeting – October 29th 2022 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
October 16th 2022 |
TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TIMBERLAND ACRES SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT OF NAVAJO COUNTY, ARIZONA: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR AN ELECTION TO BE HELD, March 7, 2023, IN AND FOR THE TIMBERLAND ACRES SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT OF NAVAJO COUNTY, ARIZONA. THE ELECTION WILL BE HELD FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: To fill 3 position(s) on the District Board beginning MARCH 2023 and ending MARCH 2026. The last date to register to vote is February 6, 2023 at midnight. Petitions must be filed between October 8, 2022 and November 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. with the Navajo County Elections Department at the Navajo County Governmental Complex in Holbrook. |
October 15th 2022 |
October 4th 2022 |
Notice – Changes to October Board Meetings Timberland Acres Water Board (TADWID) Meeting will be held on October 29th at 9am Timberland Acres Road Board (TASRD1) Meeting will not change October 22nd at 10am |
October 1st 2022 |
IMPORTANT CHANGE NOTICE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2022 UTILITY BILLING Stephanie Irwin now handles Utility Billing for Timberland Acres for all issues listed below. You may contact Stephanie by calling the phone number listed below regular business hours or by email. REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS (928) 367-6621 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. , Monday thru Friday email: stephanie@SGICPA.com (no texts please to make sure issue is properly received and addressed) 1. WATER DELIVERY ISSUES Call during regular business hours for the issues listed below: Emergency water leaks Non-emergency water leaks No water Water quality Any other water quality or delivery issue 2. WATER UTILITY BILLS Call during regular business hours for billing issues listed below: Any questions you have regarding your water utility bill To update your billing account personal information Opening or closing an account REPORT AFTER-HOURS ONLY WATER EMERGENCIES 1. AFTER-HOURS ONLY TADWID EMERGENCY LEAKS or EMERGENCY ISSUES To report a TADWID emergency water leak or TADWID emergency water system issue occurring OUTSIDE OF THE REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS, call Mogollon Water Management at the after-hour number listed below. AFTER-HOURS ONLY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER (928) 940-0042 (no texts please to make sure issue is properly received and addressed) NOTE: Property owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs to their equipment and water system from the point where property water line is connected to the water meter and continues throughout the remainder of their property. |
September 27th 2022 |
PUBLIC NOTICE TADWID Board will be together for the purpose of obtaining OPEN MEETING LAW TRAINING from the Navajo County District Attorney’s Office September 28, 2022 at 10:00 am at the TADWID Community Center 6282 Juniper Ridge Road PUBLIC IS WELCOME Please Note: No other District Business will be Discussed or Considered |
September 7th 2022 |
Water & Road Board Posting of Public Meeting Notices… Public meeting notices will be posted at the following locations throughout Timberland Acres – Timberland Acres Website: timberlandacres.com Bulletin Board Locations 1. Corner of Ponderosa/White Mountain 2. Ponderosa halfway up at Mailboxes 3. Deer Run/White Mountain at Mailboxes 4. Deer Run/Navajo where Deer Run at Mailboxes 5. Old Forest Trail/White Mountain at Mailboxes 6. White Mountain/Juniper Ridge at Mailboxes 7. Juniper Ridge/Navajo at Mailboxes 8. Community Center on Juniper Ridge 9. Geronimo/Mogollon at Mailboxes |
July 28th 2022 |
July 21st 2022 |
Water Board Meeting – July 23rd 2022 (9 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
Road Board Meeting – July 23rd 2022 (10 AM) | Agenda | Minutes |
June 28th 2022 |
The Timberland Acres Water Improvement District Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality) for Calendar Year 2021 is now available for review – TADWID CCR 2021.pdf |
June 8th 2022 |
Timberland Acres Domestic Water Improvement District Special Water Board Meeting Scheduled for June 9th 2022 (Meeting Documents Can be Viewed Here – Agenda/Minutes)
May 15th 2022 |

May 1st 2022 |
April 23 2022 Meeting Minutes
Water Board: https://timberlandacres.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TADWID-April-23rd-2022-Minutes.pdf
Road Board: https://timberlandacres.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TASRD1-April-23rd-2022-Minutes.pdf
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budgets
Water Board: https://timberlandacres.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TADWID-FY22-23-Budget.pdf
Road Board: